We believe in providing every opportunity for children to experience, learn and enjoy the game of golf Below are a range of classes and activities designed to help your child make the very best start in the game.

Saturday Turn Up Group
A brilliant way to first experience golf with fun games and coaching designed to engage your child and develop their understanding.
Every Saturday morning at 9 am, no need to pre-book.
1 hr session: £7.00 per child.
No experience necessary, 5 to 8 yrs.
All equipment supplied.
For younger children...

When a little older...
Junior Coaching Courses
Weekly coaching sessions to give your child the foundation they need to establish their golf skills and move towards joining a club.
10 am, 11 am and 12 pm
5 week course £50 or £12 per session.
6 week course £60 or £12 per session.
Courses run in line with school terms.
Advance booking required.
No max per class needed..

In the school break...
Holiday Golf Days
Make the most of the school holidays with a fantastic day of fun playing games and golf.
Holiday weekdays 9.30 am to 3 pm.
£45 to include prizes. Packed lunch required.
Suitable for ages 7 to 12 yrs.
Advance booking required.

For a special day...
Children's Parties
Looking for inspiration? We can help with a brilliant golf party complete with coaching, games, food and prizes.
Availability: Weekdays or weekends anytime.
Up to 15 children, all ages from 5 yrs.
Price on application.

The next step...
Junior Golf Membership
Your child can join The Warren and become part of our very active junior section, enjoying weekly competitions and friendly games.
Available from approx 10 yrs old.
Fully supported by Club Junior Organiser.
For further details please click on the link below.
For more information on our junior programmes or to book please get in touch through our contact us page or by calling 01245224662.